QR Codes – Response to This is Hoop article

I think anyone who says that QR codes are a waste of time are not really seeing the possibilities here. QR codes provide a brilliant platform of access to the masses (providing they have a smartphone). As these little codes enter the mainstream more often in the UK the application of a QR code will be highly effective. The Japanese (where QR codes all began) is the best place to look to start to predict how these little codes could evolve this side of the world.

Now that I have witnessed QR codes on television (The Good Cook, BBC) I have no doubt in my mind that this technology is going to become a lot more popular, its just going to take time.

The main thing that comes back to these codes are the design. They are pretty ugly, but you can make them more appealing. An idea I came up with this very evening was thinking about designing anything else, you need a style guide. Does a style guide exist for QR codes? Can one be made successfully and still allow the QR code to work? The idea came from hearing about a poster campaign that Bulmers have released recently that involves a QR code that blends into the style on the poster.

Anyway, the efficiency of scanning a QR code to receive information on a device is fascinating. The way in which we consume data has a hybrid solution.

If anyone would like to discuss QR codes further I would really like to. Check out my blog to see my QR code articles: http://bit.ly/jAPAF1. Or tweet me @antonyjwhite

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1 Response to QR Codes – Response to This is Hoop article

  1. Pingback: QR Scan Analytics Are Available | PrintMediaCentr.com

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